
15 Oktober 2011


Apa itu Bco ?

BCO (Bank call officer) adalah Call center. Profesi pertama yang aku pilih untuk mengeksplor ilmu yang aku dapat dari bangku kuliah. Agak sedikit tidak nyambung memang dengan jurusan kuliah ku yang manajemen keuangan.Tapi tidak ada salahnya kan menjajal ??


Bisa dikatakan ilmu ku nggak ada sangkut pautnya dengan profesi ini. Cuma hitungan aja yang masih digunakan.Bedanya diprofesi ini apa-apa mesti kilat. Mulai dari bicara,mikir,ngetik,ngitung, dan kasih solusi harus cepat.Maksimal servicenya 4 minute.Bisa lebih juga kalau casenya complain. Selain itu kalau casenya easy hanya diberi waktu service 2 minute.Target dalam satu hari 80 calls.

Wew.. Tantangan yang nggak ada duanya?!

Aku diterima diperusahaan tempatku kerja, dibulan mei 2011 tepatnya tanggal 4 dan nggak terasa sekarang sudah "lima bulan". Dan banyak ilmu yang aku dapat dari profesi ini

Mulai dari belajar bicara baku, analisa, berani mempertahankan pendapat, menjelaskan dengan baik pada nasabah, sabar, ngeles(jangan ditiru),sopan,tegas,dan

Sebelum terjun ke medan perang(work station).. kami dijejali dengan materi yang bukunya setebal roti bantal. Kalau dihitung kira-kira sekitar ratusan halaman.Dan yang bikin nyiksa dan aku anggap ini like "kerja rodi" adalah waktu penguasaan materi yang targetnya only "one month". Damn!!

Parahnya..otak ku tidak mudah untuk menangkap cepat semua materi yang aku dapat. hehe..

Aku terbiasa langsung praktek.Karena dibangku kuliah pun aku terbiasanya teori langsung praktek. Jadi, pada waktu itu aku akui aku kewalahan menghafal per babnya. Yang aku bisa pada saat itu hanyalah berdoa kepada rabbku.. agar aku mampu melewati pembelajaran ini.

Beruntungnya aku dipertemukan teman-teman baru yang nantinya jadi teamku. Dan kami tergabung dalam batch "D".

Batch D Cewek

Erly,Euis,Aku,Mbak Ida,Mbak LIa,Lia,Kak Ocha,Mbak JIhan,Ulfa,Galuh.

Dibuku tebal itu banyak ragam materinya. Dari situ aku mulai kenal yang namanya screen hijau(card link),elmo(semacam email), vertigo,dan lain sebagainya.

Setiap harinya aku bicara dengan banyak orang yang tanpa aku tau siapa orangnya?? unik kan? Dalam 1 bulan kalau dihitung-hitung nggak terasa aku sudah berbicara dengan Ribuan orang yang aku nggak tau wajahnya ? aku cuma kenal suara dan aku gak tau secara fisiknya.

Pengalaman dimedan perang ini juga macam-macam. Mulai dari case mudah sampai bikin tepok jidat (sulit) dan yang paling hot itu kalau case complain.Puannjangg..dech kalau sudah berurusan dengan case semacam ini.Bahkan ada case yang ujung-ujungnya bikin para BCO tenar didunia maya.Gara-gara case complain itu tentunya.hihi...

Untungnya kalau lagi berhadapan dengan nasabah-nasabah yang ajaib itu pakai nama samaran.Jadi aman..

Sialnya waktu masuk kelas training terakhir. So.. dapat namanya nggak bisa milih. huh sebel.. Akhirnya terpaksa dech.. Ngambil nama salah satu personilnya band club 80's. 

Pertama kali pakai nama itu lucu sekali.. asing banget rasanya. Banyak nasabah yang bilang mbak namanya kayak artis ya. Aku cuma bisa tertawa kecil.. Iya pak.. Iya bu.. Tapi paling senang saat ada yang ngucapin "have greet job" ya mbak. Dan ada yang mengatakan mbak suaranya bagus..(malu euy)..seperti biasanya. muka ku bersemu merah jambu. 

Paling sebelnya kalau terima calls dari nasabah yang lahir periode 1950"an. Biasanya lama banget nangani yang umur segini. Soalnya udah pada tua dan hobbinya ngobrol. Apalagi yang sudah pensiun suka lupa sama utangnya.. Selain itu juga sebel banget kalau ada nasabah yang marah-marah dan nyerocos kayak kesurupan. Bikin emosi jiwa.

Dari profesi ini intinya aku banyak mendapatkan pengalaman dan kenangan yang tak terlupakan. 

18 Desember 2010

Tugas Bhs Inggris Bisnis 4

Present tense
I drink coffee

Present continous tense
The kids are watching TV.
Name : Retno Cahyoningtyas Wardani Putri
Tempat, tanggal lahir : Sabang, 29 December 1988
Gender : Woman
Status : Single
Religion : Moeslim
Kewarganegaraan : Indonesia
Alamat : Komplek Graha Jala Yudha Jl. Teluk Tomini 1 B.2 No: 12
Ciangsana Gunung Putri Bogor Jawa Barat 16968
Telephone : (021) 84935653, 087868397497
e-mail :
Sarjana Ekonomi, jurusan Management, lulus tahun 2010 dengan IPK 3.05.
Retail Business
Decision to Become an Entrepreneur
Travelling, menyanyi, membaca, menulis, internet.

Artikel cerita tugas minggu ke 5

Rose FoR Aida

Later, was changed in bandi’s self. He is as a beetle which wrong way on the wide garden. More species and flower colours spread out enchantment. All them was being blossom. Beautiful, very amazing heart. But why don’t know, on the odd garden bandi’s was losing words.
Around bandi was flower bud ready to open was being gracefull danced to swing the wind. His desire can’t stemmed againt. He picks and haved. This is season to making love, when butterfly’s coming to suck a honey ? ah, bandi doesn’t understand. But, sure. He is drunking smell aroma to creep to the sky.
The changing occur since bandi to deliver his son going to school. Aldi, his first son, enough years to joined at kindergarden. Beginning bandi had been worried. Now era, education entry until expensive thing. Lucky, his saving money still enough for to serves more expensive school cost.
Routine’s deliver into pick up his son really not easy like bandi’s guess. First days in school, his kid master was nervoused and afraid when he was seeing the odd faces around him self. The situation noise such as night market. Like another childs, aldi was being whined request to back home. Bandi stay confusion.
Don’t know where comes, suddenly a women nearly they. Her attitude maternal friendly. She squatted and persuade aldi. On flash time, aldi had been stoped the tears. Bandi was being unnerved. Even, he likely buffalo was being pink his nose. Just nodding when the women request a permission to take his son going to class room.
That the short event, but impression on bandi’s mind. The women have a magnetism for him. So, bandi spirits delivered into pick up aldi. Sometimes, he is amusing by him self. Why Is me precisely enthusiastic going to school ? such as he say in his heart.
Who can suppose content of heart someone ? In human heart, was difficult hole to range another person. There are saving secret on the bottom heart. Nothing, know not permitted, nearly and intimate. Whatever they are relation. That bandi have happened this time.
From behind the window often he robs look to class room. His attitude make it normaly. Don’t till was doubtfull that he interested with enchantment. Aida, the name of women. Patient teacher and painstaking take care a children. Something almost losing in household.
What right two time beauty ? what this is second puberty ? Inward bandi was uproar. He isn’t never ambush in situation like that. His age toward thirty five years old, was have family and a children a gift of god. But, aida face slowly but sure adorning his chamber heart.
The clock in living room tinkle one time. Bandi can’t close his eyes although over midnight. Two palm of hand unite become pillow. His fantasy dancing on cluster star. The night is silence. Bandi can chact the mira’s breath haul fast sleep beside him. She fast sleep, bandi mind while observe face has wife. Of course the work cosfiscated her power.
Bandi is murming fate reflection. Not feel although one years almost, he was being unemployed. Since his job contract in a consultant company have finished, bandi upside-down searching new job. But, what might, on era those conceit, searching job like search pin in straw pile. Bandi never calculate, but he was trusted after he is applying hundred apply letter he was being spreaded to corner of wind eyes. The result still zero.
Mira, her fate lucky better than bandi. She is working in foreign voyage company. Since married. They are deals fixed zealous the worked each. The mira reasons most logic. She won’t only become a house wife, while the scholar certificate mildew in cupboard. Furthermore she can’t able to let bandi to earn living by himself. While dealy needs more puffy, better than bandi salary.
Bandi giving permission his wife to work. Of course with some conditional. Although she was payed a servant, not means mira put of household matter. She was wised divide time between family and work. Don’t till their children such as a chick losing a mother.
Bandi remember the advice from his ex friend work. He said this life just giving a variation, improvisation and fresh beats so that not monotone. That time bandi was smiled. Now, he is feeling the advice is right.
Two weeks ago bandi ready to take serious risks admonish with aida. After he is question aldi’s growth in class, bandi thrust a card name sheet. Aida can’t reject. She reply and giving a phone number. If was want asking about aldi, please calling me, she said. Begin a flower blossom slowly in bandi heart. And evening bandi waiting her. Yesterday, they are makes meeting. Consult about aldi’s growth is the reason makes of bandi.
Almost two hour, but aida before coming true. Bandi patient to waiting her. Once, waits not something bore for him. Especially the situation more supports. This cafe was lonely of customer. On corner room, only was high school partner have talking with cat shy’s. Look at their action, bandi suck smiling. He reminded when the memories ago.
Ah, this café was saving memories in bandi’s life. He is remembers, in this place he persuade mira to dating during are relationship. So when aida called the name of this café, bandi have startled long time.
The dry leafs beater flying by wind. The arid season before still end. Sense the sun shine more only bitter. Sweats out of bandi pore.
A rose bud, one chocolate box, and a love song casset, for a beautiful girl. Bandi was preparing for aida. Everything save neatly in his work bag. Ah, the loves can make a person drunked. When you love someone, you’ll do anything. You’ll do all the crazy thing, that you can’t explain.
The secret meeting first time at café better go on. A while bandi speechless and not comfortable. He afraid his family and mira’s friend was known. What reason entry in mind when he meet the women else? But, bandi have fate lucky. He haven’t meet with someone won’t know with him until delivered aida come back at home. Now, he believe him self for the next time secret meeting.
Voice of tick the heart like good music when aida walking to him course. He has imagine face of aida was red shadow when surprise from him.
Brother bandi, sorry. Was long time to waiting me ? aida say’s friendly. Bandi is smilling. “ I take holiday two weeks, brother. Today I’m come back quick. Was matter not to cancel.
Bandi somewhat suprising earning aida tell. O, yeah? You will hurry up? Late me deliver you. The man was diligent reading opportunity. If planning A failed, be must a planning B to alternatife. Pity, aida soft reject the bandi supply. He want going to a city vehicle. That reason.
Ah, almost I’m forgot, aida talk. Her hands take it a black plastic bag on left hand, and she is giving to bandi. What is this? Aida smiles, and she answer, This is invitation for brother. Next week I will have married. Coming up, brother. Invite aldi and your wife.
When storm rolls in bandi chest. Broken his dreams was framing on his heart. Married ? bandi was dulling. The time such as stop. Even, when aida take it permit, he haven’t aware fully. Bandi down the chin and to let aida pass by, exactly when take it his child in class room.
“Father ! Father !”
Bandi is returning point aware when earning the scream. Bandi transfer his body. His heart was undone when he looks the women following backside bandi. Mira ! What are you doing in here ? First time she pick up aldi at school. Bandi nervous when they was in front of him. Luck mira was looked the incident some time ago.
Who is have invitation card, brother ? Mira peeps a pink invitation in bandi grip hand.
Eh, oh, this invitation from aldi’s mother class. Bandi hands reflection was thrust to mira. Luck just invitation card. If etch paper, so different story.
“She will to be married …” Bandi is swallow up his saliva. Very shrunked.
Well, very respect , ya, aldi teacher’s. Although not chum, but she invites to her wedding. We must coming to her wedding party, brother.
Bandi hard breath haul’s.
They are steps to car port. The school was silent, very silent like a bandi heart. The bandi car slide a way cracking the city. When ambush a traffic jam, he remember about something. His left hand extend the bag. He take out all item.

A flower blossom extend to mira, and a chocolate box for aldi. They are very happy receive them. Romantic husband and good father, will always loving him family’s, that mira praise. Bandi smilling with shatter heart. Love song cassette, the one was over, turn on by bandi. Earning the intro was played sadnees. Bandi very enjoy with fly thinking.
Ah, especially not beautiful which my imagine, bandi talking with his heart.

17 Desember 2010

RRS ( Reka Reka Sendiri )

         Pintu kamar gue diketok nyokap. Bangun ka ! sudah jam setengah 6 pagi. Sigap gue langsung bangun terus lanjut keluar kamar (Iyalah masa keluar rumah, baru bangun juga). Semenjak jadi Pengacara ( Pengangguran Banyak Acara) memang gue jadi agak telat bangun. Maklum udah habis masa semester akhir dan gue masih belum lulus. hikz2x.. masih harus nyelesain Skripsi pula. Kadang kalau ingat nasib jadi malu sekaligus  iri sama teman - teman satu angkatan yang udah lulus dan wisuda duluan Tanggal 4 oktober 2010 kemarin. Dalam sadar juga terselip rasa sakit yang amat perih (ho..ho..ho.., sesi lebay dimulai). Ya, tapi gue seneng juga ngeliat teman - teman gue udah pada lulus. Siapa tau gue bisa nyusul tahun depan dan menyandang gelar Sarjana satu. 

          Eits. jadi curcol nich. hahaha.. terbongkar dech aib gue. Kenapa gue jadi bahas masalah diatas ya ??  yang gue mau dibahas disini bukan soal itu. 

           Setelah gue coba inget - inget, baru inget kalau mau nyeritain tentang Reka - reka masakan yang sekarang jadi makanan favorite pribadi. Simple dan easy kok resepnya. Dijamin saat pertama kali coba nggak akan mengalami kegagalan bahkan mungkin justru ketagihan (Geer ya ?). Gue orang Indonesia asli tapi nggak tau kenapa gue sangat gemar makan makanan kebarat - baratan. Mungkin karena lidah gue udah terkontaminasi makanan luar negeri dari masih kanak - kanak. But, gue sangat menganggumi masakan asli Indonesia Lho. 

So, 1st reka - reka gue tidak jauh dari ala kebarat - baratan. Langsung aja.. 
Check it out : 

Spagheti Mie Judas (Keju,Susu,Pedas)

Bahan :
1 Bungkus mie instans rebus (rebus setangah matang)
50 gr daging ayam (cincang)
25 gr bawang bombay (iris tipis)
3 buah cabe rawit merah (potong-potong)
1 batang seledri (rajang halus)
25 gr tomat (potong2 kecil)
2 sdm susu bubuk (tawar), larutkan dengan 100 ml air panas
saos sambal secukupnya
keju cheddar secukupnya, diparut
air secukupnya
mentega secukupnya

Cara membuat :
1. Siapkan air, masak hingga mendidih. Masukkan mie. Masak setengah matang. Angkat. 
2. Panaskan mentega. Tumis bawang bombay, ayam, seledri, dan tomat aduk - aduk hingga 
3. Setelah itu masukkan susu yang sudah dilarutkan. Aduk rata hingga mendidih. Lalu 
    masukkan keju yang sudah diparut. Tambahkan saos sambal. Masukkan mie. Aduk rata 
    hingga tercampur rata. Angkat.
4. Taburi keju parut. Sajikan.

  Selamat Mencoba