
08 April 2010

Tugas ke 5


Adjective clause disebut juga “relative clauses”. Kalimat adjective terdiri dari subjek dan predikat yang kata benda dan kata gantinya telah dimodifikasi terlebih dahulu. Dalam pikiran kata pengantar siapa ( who ) atau itu untuk seseorang ( A person ), yang mana ( which ) atau itu untuk benda ( thing ), ketika ( when ) untuk waktu ( a time ), dimana ( where ) untuk suatu tempat ( a place ), kenapa ( why ) untuk suatu alasan ( a reason ).

Contoh kalimat

1. A person

Introductory : Who, Whom, Whose.

Subject : He paid the money to the man who had done the work.

Object : He paid the man whom he had hired.

Object of preposition : He paid the man from whom he had borrowed the money.

Possessive : This is the girl whose picture you saw.

2. A thing

Introductory : Which, of which

Subject : Here is a book which describes animals.

Object : Tha chair which he broke hi is being repaired.

Object Of prepositions : She was wearing the coat for which she had paid $ 2.000.

Possessive : That tree, the branches of which are almost bare, is a very

old one.

3. A time

Introductory ( Relative word ) : When

Example :

This is the time when the Olympic Games are held.

4. A place

Introductory ( Relative word ) : Where

Example :

Here is the house where I live.

5. A reason

Introductory ( Relative word ) : Why

Example :

Give me one good reason why you did that.

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